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Digital Art Write For Us

Digital Art
Digital art write for us – Digital art is a work made with or presented in digital technology. This includes images made entirely on the computer or hand-drawn photos scanned into a computer and finished using software such as Adobe Illustrator. Digital art can also include animations and renderings of 3D virtual sculptures and projects combining various technologies. In addition, some digital arts involve the manipulation of video images. If you are willing to send your article on Digital Art for the Technologywebdesign site, please email us at

The word “digital art” was initially used in the 1980s in connection with one of the first computer painting programs. (That was long before they were called apps, of course!) It’s a method of creating art that lends itself to a multimedia format as it can be viewed in many ways, including television. And on the Internet, on computers, and several social media platforms. In short, digital art is a fusion between art and technology. And also, it allows for many new ways of making art.

The Beginnings of Digital Art

Digital art really couldn’t exist without computers. These machines that are so familiar to us today originated in the 1940s, when the first real computer, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, or ENIAC, was created for military purposes. And also, artists began to explore the possibilities of art from computers and related technologies in the late 1950s and early 1960s.

The first experiments with computer art took place around 1965. German artist Frieder Nake (1938 – present), also a mathematician, created a computer algorithm that allowed the machine to draw a series of shapes to create works of art. An algorithm, by the way, is a program list of instructions that tell a computer what to do. And also, the resulting computer-generated drawings were among the first examples of art made on a computer.

One of the first genuinely digital works of art was created in 1967 by Americans Kenneth Knowlton (1931 – present) and Leon Harmon (1922 – 1982). They took a photograph of a naked woman and turned it into an image of computer pixels, titled Computer Nude (Studies in Perception I). And also, a pixel is a tiny element of an idea; when many pixels are combined, they can create a larger and more complete image. This nude was one of the first digital artworks.

Growth of Digital Art

By the late 1960s, several museums held exhibitions exploring art using computers. Around the same time, various artists began to explore digital technology in multimedia art, using computers, television, video, and other belongings.

In 1969, artist Allan Ka prow (1927 – 2006), recognized for art proceedings called happenings, in which art was a series of activities or actions with audience participation and elements of chance, created a work titled Hello in collaboration with a Boston Television Station.

Centred in various locations around the city, it used television cameras and audio systems to allow people in different areas to talk to each other. But Ka prow, from the station’s main control center, toggled sites on and off, manipulating who could speak to someone else at any given time. And also, it was one of the first works of art to use television technology to make art.

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Search Terms Related to Digital Art Write for Us





Music/sound art

Vector graphics


Graphics tablet


Digital painting

Digital paintings


Digital installation art

Digital art and blockchain

Algorithmic art

Computer art

Computer graphics

Electronic art

Generative art

Graphic arts

New media art

Theatre of Digital Art

Virtual art

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